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Dog Friendly Lodge
Featuring an idyllic location, as well as relaxing and rejuvenating spa facilities, this hotel is more than happy to accommodate your four-legged companion along with you. There is an extra charge to bring your pet along, and you should notify them before your arrival. Providing a place for your furry friend to sleep, as well as towels, blankets and a gift basket full of goodies, this hotel ensures the most comfortable and enjoyable stay for the both of you.
Do you accept dogs in all rooms? No, some rooms only: We have designated pet-friendly accommodations.
Is there an extra charge? Yes, C$ $25 per night
Should the dog owner notify you before checking in? Yes, During the booking process
What is the maximum number of dogs per room? Up to 2 dogs are allowed in each room.
Is there a maximum weight of dogs accepted? No
Do you provide any specials, treats and toys (check all that apply)?
A place to sleep
Gift basket
Are there any leash-free play areas? No
Should the dog be kenneled at all times in the room? No
Should the dog be kenneled/kept in a pet carrier at all times in public areas? No
Should the dog remain leashed at all times in the room? No
Should the dog remain leashed at all times in public areas? Yes
Are the dogs allowed on the furniture? Yes on special sheets.
Are the dogs allowed on beds? Yes on special sheets.
What are the basic requirements to accept a dog?
Must not be aggressive
Must use designated areas
Owners must clean pet waste immediately
Owners are responsible for any damage caused by the dog
Is there a refundable deposit to guard against damages? No
Do you provide any of these?
Waste-disposal bags
Food and water bowls
Except for dogs, do you also accept other pets? Yes
Do you have a written and comprehensive pet policy available on request? Yes
ChaletOpening out onto an oversized deck facing the lake, this chalet is split-level with post-and-beam fittings. It has a full-size living room with leather furnishings and a gas fireplace.
CottageThis one-level duplex features a seating area with a wood-burning stove or gas fireplace.
Guest Reviews
Very Good
Yes, Trillium Resort & Spa has pool(s) that belong to one or more of the following categories: Outdoor Pool.
Yes, a spa is available at Trillium Resort & Spa.
Yes, Trillium Resort & Spa welcomes dogs. For more information, read the answers to the Dog Friendly questionnaire
Yes, parking facilities are available at Trillium Resort & Spa.