Photo from Perivolas Hotel
Our mission is simple: to revolutionize your hotel search experience by offering a highly personalized, detailed, and reliable service designed to perfectly match your unique interests and needs. We believe that travel isn't a standard-fit for all and that's why we offer an unparalleled hotel search experience.
With over 5 million hotels classified into 60 distinct and often unique categories, we offer you an unrivaled selection of accommodations across the globe. From beachfront hotels for sun-seekers to haunted hotels for thrill-seekers, from treehouse rooms for the adventurous at heart to hotels with EV charging stations for the eco-conscious traveler - we have it all.
Our sophisticated algorithms do the heavy lifting for you. Not only do they sort and rank hotels in each category, but they also display the best matches for your preferences first. We connect with major booking sites, fetching real-time availability and prices for each hotel. The result? A thorough comparison of the best offers out there, ready at your fingertips.
But we don't just stop at that. We also offer a detailed explanation of why each hotel earns its place in specific categories, a result of the meticulous work of our committed editorial team and detailed questionnaires completed by hotel managers. We stand for openness, making sure you have all the essential details to make the most informed decision.
At Travelmyth, we combine cutting-edge technology with a deep understanding of the nuances of travel. We embrace the fact that every traveler and every trip is unique and we are devoted to aiding you in finding a hotel that's more than just a sleeping spot, but a key part of your travel story.
So, whether you desire a tranquil stay in a hotel with an infinity pool, a room with a view in a towering skyscraper, or a royal experience in an enchanting castle, allow Travelmyth to guide you towards your ideal stay.
After collecting and analyzing massive amounts of data for hundreds of thousands of destinations, hotels and landmarks around the world we rank hotels using a proprietary algorithm. We then return the most relevant results according to your query and present them in a comprehensive way.
We now have advanced algorithmic technology allowing us to supply results for more complex searches than the most intelligent and well-traveled travel agent could ever dream of handling.
Proprietary technology helps our editors handpick tens of thousands of hotels with immediate proximity to a beach. Beachfront hotels may be separated from the beach by a road, but not by other buildings in between. For hundreds of beachfront hotels, we have collected specific data regarding accessibility, type of beach, cost of umbrellas and water sport activities, presence of a lifeguard and many other details just not available anywhere else.
You can see all beachfront hotels in Florida or limit your search to a region or destination. Examples:
Of course, you can also try combined searches with your favorite categories, for example:
Try the map view, so that you can easily check the hotel and the beach.
We’ve asked hoteliers more questions than even the most demanding travelers with pets would ask! We know costs, leash rules, waste disposal requirements and any pet accessory the hotel may provide. We even know if dogs are allowed on beds!
Based on their responses, we rank the dog friendliness of each hotel. For example, a hotel without extra fees and with leash-free play areas will rank higher than a hotel with extra fees and a kennel requirement. This is how Travelmyth recommends the best dog-friendly hotels.
Here are some areas that we have already collected extensive data on. More areas will be added soon:
Popular combined searches include:
Among the 60 hotel categories that we describe, some are unique. Have you ever dreamed about swimming in an infinity pool? How about staying in a monastery or castle converted into a hotel? What about a hotel where children are prohibited? Or a hotel with a vineyard or with over-water bungalows. How about an eco-friendly hotel? Or even a haunted hotel? What about a brand-new or a skyscraper hotel?
We have all these categories available (and more) and they can always be searched in combination with more conventional options like luxury, spa, boutique, beachfront, five-star, small, budget and still others…
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