Hotel Taking Steps Towards SustainabilityQuestionnaire
Do you utilise any renewable energy sources to produce energy on the hotel/accommodation premises?
Solar radiation
What makes your hotel/accommodation eco-friendly?
Building materials from sustainable resources
The structure maximizes natural light to reduce the need for lighting and heating
Windows that block heat/cold (i.e. triple-glazed windows)
Rainwater collection and usage
Use of non-toxic cleaning products
Serving organic food at the restaurant
LED lighting throughout the premises
Employees are trained to follow environmental policies
Toilets flush up to 6 litres per flush
Toilet paper made of non-chlorine bleached paper or awarded with an eco-label
Waste is separated into at least 3 categories
No disposable (single use) cups/glasses, plates and cutlery
Organic waste is composted
Automatic system or key card that turns off the light and electrical appliances when guests leave their room
Most of the ingredients used to prepare meals are locally produced
A vegetarian alternative menu is proposed in the restaurant
An energy audit is carried out at least once every five years
Is there anything that you would like to highlight, add or clarify? The hotel has its own herbal garden with a variety of over 10 different locally grown herb plants, which are being used in food preparations as well as in the mixology. Moreover, the hotel grows its own selection of fruits like apples, figs and lemons. It also produces its own olive oil from 8 olive trees located on the grounds. The hotel collects rainwater as well as uses water from the ground wells in order to water the vast garden area.