Accessible HotelSummary of reviews related to the 'Accessible' categoryMuir Bank offers a commendable level of accessibility for guests with disabilities, includes a variety of features specifically catering to those with reduced mobility. The rooms and bathrooms are well equipped for disabled use, featuring en-suite toilets and spacious layouts. Guests noted the establishment as wheelchair friendly with easy access facilitated through entry codes and digital keys sent via email from the hosts. Emergency exits are clearly marked, enhancing the overall safety. The hotel provides accessible facilities and is designed with careful consideration for accessibility. Many guests appreciated these thoughtful inclusions, resulting in the accommodation being highly recommended for disabled travelers. Additionally, those traveling with pets found the environment accommodating. Overall, Muir Bank ensures a comfortable and accessible stay for guests with various mobility needs. Show more
To whom is your hotel/accommodation accessible? People who use a wheelchair People who are deaf People who are blind People with autism People with asthma
Is there level-access route (might include lifts) from the road to the rooms?Yes, to all rooms
Are there any facilities that guests who use a wheelchair cannot reach?No
Are there designated parking spaces for people with disabilities?Yes
If you offer free transfers to guests, do you have a wheelchair accessible vehicle?No
Are assistance/guide dogs allowed in the hotel/accommodation?Yes
In the rooms, is there a level-access (roll-in) shower?No Please specify: small step into shower
In the rooms, does the toilet have support handrails?Yes, in certain rooms
Are wheelchairs offered to guests who do not come with their own?Νο